History of The PDF
"The Portable Document Format (PDF), standardized as ISO 32000, is a file format developed by Adobe in 1992 to present documents, including text formatting and images, in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems." - wikipedia
A PDF download is the perfect resource for anyone looking to view a document. With its easy to use download feature, you will be able to access the document quickly and without any hassle. Once downloaded, you can easily pinch and zoom your way through the document for a better viewing experience. Download now and get started
It's now the 21st century, three decades since the creation of the PDF.
Now we live in a world of cloud base digital devices, so ask yourself;
"are you still using PDF's for your marketing?"
A 'Digital' PDF
The Digital Portable Document Format (PDF) was not created by Adobe Systems and has been introduced to any operations systems (OS) for all digital devices. Although it is currently a major topic of discussion, it remains a priority format standard needed for all businesses in 2023 forward.
A Digital PDF requires NO download and is the perfect resource for anyone looking to share a real time document. The document is easily accessible, without any hassle, and has interface features that are easy to use. NO more ‘pinch & zoom’ needed, instead the document has a better viewing experience since it’s not been downloaded.

More Advantages
1 / FAst
Build takes as little as 10min.
2 /Shareability
Easily shared, url based
3 / Easy to build
Drag & Drop features, 'do it yourself'
4 / More Secure
No downloads, url based & uneditable
5 / Templates
Endless designs
6 / Reuseable
Dynamic features, build one, 'rinse & repeat'
7 / Interactive content
Click, Tap, Explore, Scroll...
8 / real time Updates
Up to date with last edit
9 / Priced for SMB
Fits any business budget, inexpensive
10 / Mobile Ready
Functional on all screens